If You Have Done These, Your 2017 Is Awesome

Another year is almost ending and I want to share these three major things I did this year that contributed positively to my well-being.

Well, these things might not apply to everyone as we all have different personalities. In some ways, these things might let you realize that doing a favor for yourself will give you peace and harmony.

1.       I stopped pleasing others.
Throughout the year, I started getting to know who I really am, what I want, and what I don’t. I began to do things I was hesitant to do before just thinking that I might be disliked for doing so. One thing I started doing this year was speaking myself out and expressing my ideas (of course, without hurting other people). I stopped bothering myself about what would others perceive the way I speak, think, and act. I just feel the most real me now because I don’t let others cross the barrier when it comes to deciding on how I should feel about myself because that kills self-hatred.

2.       I get rid of toxics in life
I got rid anything and anyone that contributed negatively to my year. Negative people for instance. You know what? It’s alright to let go of someone or something if it will give you peace of mind. Saying “goodbye” does not necessarily make you sad, just think of saying goodbye during uwian, ang saya diba?

3.       Being known by others is not enough
Last year, I was once told by a person I can count as a life mentor that “Don’t just know other people, let other people know you”. Getting into the limelight is as easy as posting on social media, having a cool Instagram feed and thousands of followers but I almost forgot that the easiest way to be known by others is by doing good things and making other people happy. I kept this thing in mind and I can say that along the way, being known by others was not my ultimate goal anymore, but making others happy because it’s just self-fulfilling. So, being known by others is not enough. One must be known by others for doing good things, making people happy, and being a good influence.

2017 has been an awesome year for me and I can't let go of this year without thanking God, my family, and my friends who have always been there to support me.

I'm looking forward to a very productive year this coming 2018. A year from now, I see a stronger person in front of the mirror standing proud of what he has become. A much more mature man definitely not in his late 20s is another step closer to his goals. 


  1. It's true that the most important of being known is that they know you because of doing a good thing to other. Thank You for this.

  2. Uhh.. nice one.. you inspire me a lot.. :) continue to spread the good vibes..
